Sunday, December 9, 2012


I am just feeling so depressed right now. It seems like everyone that I know and even people I don't are pregnant right now. I still love seeing babies and I really truly congratulate anyone I know who is pregnant but why can't it be me? What is so wrong with me that I just can't get pregnant. We have done two medicated IUI's now and nothing. I am running out of money and if this last IUI doesn't work I am guessing it will be awhile before we can move on to whatever the next step is.

We do have to move on to the next step if this cycle doesn't work. The RE said that we would try this for 3 cycles. Woody and I have talked some about it and I think we might try donor sperm. It is so much less expensive then IVF. It makes me so sad though to think I won't be able to see our features in our baby but I want to be a mom so bad and Woody wants to be a dad again, I wonder though when it comes time to actually pull the trigger on donor sperm if he will be ok with it. I go back and forth everyday about it.

I am so glad I have my little blog. I know not many people read it and to be honest that is fine with me if no one did, I just sometimes need to get things off my chest and while I love and the wonderful group of ladies on Actively Trying the Next Level I just don't feel like bothering them when I am feeling so down about something every single one of those ladies are struggling with. If anyone is reading this... please send a prayer that this cycle works. I have my US on Thursday and probably the IUI on Friday or Saturday. Please, please, please!!

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