Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Conception Kit

Alright, I broke down and bought the conception kit. I can't believe I just spent $350 on it. I mean what if it doesn't work? I also have a feeling that for the three months that we are using this kit if I don't get pregnant it is going to hurt more then usual when my period starts. I don't even test anymore. I hate seeing a negative pregnancy test. I soooo hope this works. I am so ready to be a mom.

Woody keeps stating hat we just can't get pregnant. I know he is upset that we are not pregnant yet but I hate it. I don't want to think that way, though truth be told I have the same thoughts at time. I have not told Woody yet that I bought the kit. I don't think I am going to tell him the whole truth on the cost if he asks though I am not really one for lying, at least not to him. I mean I lie like everyone does at some points. It should be arriving in the mail on Thursday and I am due to ovulate a week from today. Ahhhhhhhh!!! I want this to work. OK, I am rambling now.. It is probably for the best that no one else reads this. I mean I am not a very good blogger.

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