Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Why did I move here? Why did I think that anything would have changed? I guess I was an idiot. Woody and I talked yesterday about Sara and I thought we were doing ok but then when I asked if I ever asked him to please stop talking to someone because it really bothered me would he... he then got all mad at me and said I was trying to control his life and now this morning he is not talking to me. Why doesn't he understand how much it hurts me that he talks to Sara? He admitted to me that he still has feelings for her and that he would think about being with her if she left her husband. How am I supposed to be comfortable with that? I wonder if he even loves me. I have been crying off and on today. I want to ask him why he is so mad at me but I know it will just cause him to yell at me and probably tell me what a horrible human being I am. I really thought we would be so happy here. Now I am just waiting for him to leave me. I am so miserable. I guess once I get a job, I will just start saving to leave and go back to Washington. I really hate my life right now.

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